Our Achievements

Ever since the launch of its operations in 2016, the McPeak-Sirois Group has been working in Quebec to increase both the number of available breast cancer clinical trials, the number of hospitals that offer these trials and the number of patients who participate in them. Efficiency in starting trials, improving patient experience and increasing knowledge transfer within the Group are other desired benefits.

The McPeak-Sirois Group is:

  • One of the largest breast cancer clinical research consortiums in Canada. Thanks to its clinical leadership, the Group has become a leader in just a few years.

The Group has positioned itself to become THE gateway to all breast cancer clinical trials in Quebec.

  • A unique consortium of ten hospital centers covering approximately 4,000 new cases of breast cancer that occur annually, which represents at present more than 63% of all new annual cases in Quebec.

The objective is to extend the Group’s action to the entire province of Quebec by creating partnerships with the CISSS and CIUSSS in each region.


We cover 63% of new cases in Quebec

  • About 30 clinical trials started as a consortium in partnership with international pharmaceutical companies and collaborative groups.

The Group gives them access to a vast network of hospitals and investigating physicians in Quebec, as well as to a larger pool of patients potentially eligible for their trials.

  • More than 550 people included in clinical trials to date.

Through clinical trials, these patients have increased access to innovative therapies not yet marketed, resulting in improved standards of care, quality of life and survival rate.

  • Operational harmonization that reduces time at each stage of study implementation for a start-up target of 120 days.

More clinical trials are thus available for researchers and hospitals. Best practices are shared within the Group and there are increased publication opportunities for researchers.