Together, we have been personally involved for many years to bring together the major players in clinical research in Québec. Our vision was that the fight against breast cancer would require increasing access and participation in innovative research trials. Supported by a private contribution from our family, the McPeak-Sirois Group became in 2015 a reality of which we are particularly proud. It is today one of the most important consortiums in breast cancer clinical research in Canada.

Susan McPeak and Charles Sirois

Our mission is to fight breast cancer
more effectively by increasing
patients’ access and participation
to clinical trials

89 %

Cancer survival rate after 5 years. This encouraging rate is attributable in part to treatments available through clinical research.

44 %

Percentage of all breast cancer clinical trials conducted in Canada that are available in Quebec hospitals (about 100). There are 3200 clinical trials worldwide.

4,5 %

Average participation rate of cancer patients in clinical trials in Canada. The goal of the Group is to reach or exceed the target participation of 10% set by the American Society of Clinical Oncology for breast cancer patients.