Franc succès pour le troisième colloque sur la recherche clinique en cancer du sein organisé à Boucherville – French only

Près de 100 personnes ont participé au Colloque sur la recherche qui soigne qui s’est tenu le samedi 14 octobre en présentiel à l’Hôtel Mortagne à Boucherville ainsi qu’en virtuel […]
Un meilleur accès à la recherche qui soigne pour les femmes atteintes de cancer du sein dans Lanaudière – French only

The CISSS de Lanaudière joins the McPeak-Sirois Group and this collaboration will enable breast cancer patients to have better access to clinical trials in that region […]
Seagen Canada partners with the Quebec Metastatic Breast Cancer Registry

The McPeak-Sirois Group is pleased to announce that Seagen Canada has joined the Quebec Metastatic Breast Cancer Registry as partner […]
The Programme Accès-recherche adopts a new name in honor of Dr. André Robidoux

The Group’s annual meeting was an opportunity for the founding couple to announce that the Programme Accès-recherche, was renamed Programme Accès-recherche Dr André-Robidoux in tribute to the founding president of the scientific committee.[…]
Quebec Metastatic Breast Cancer Registry: New collaboration with the Canadian Cancer Society

Our Group is proud to announce that by joining forces with the Canadian Cancer Society, it will expand participation in the Quebec Metastatic Breast Cancer Registry initiated its Executive Scientific Committee […]
The Coordination Committee, a central element for the proper functioning of the Group

Composed of research coordinators who have been assigned by their institution to the clinical trials conducted within the Group, the Coordination Committee ensures the smooth running and cohesion of the consortium’s operations. […]
The Quebec Metastatic Breast Cancer Registry: Advancing research and care

The McPeak-Sirois Group and MUHC are pleased to announce the launch of the Quebec Metastatic Breast Cancer Registry, a project initiated by investigators sitting on the Executive Scientific Committee of the Group […]
The McPeak-Sirois Group: a Key Player in Clinical Research in Quebec

The strength of our unique Group lies mainly in the willingness of public institutions to pool their strengths, expertise and experiences with respect to best practices based on Research that cares […]
Patient and Patient Group Engagement in Cancer Clinical Trials: A Stakeholder Charter

The McPeak-Sirois Group is proud to have contributed to the article entitled “Patient and Patient Group Engagement in Cancer Clinical Trials: A Stakeholder Charter”[…]
Tribute to Dr. Robidoux, Surgical Oncologist at the CHUM and Founding President of the Executive Scientific Committee of the McPeak-Sirois Group

As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are pleased to pay tribute to Dr. Robidoux, Surgical Oncologist at the CHUM and Founding President of the Executive Scientific Committee of the McPeak-Sirois Group[…]