Member sites and partners

To join the Group

It is through the Programme Accès-recherche Dr André-Robidoux that new regional hospitals are joining the Group.

For the first time, clinicians across Quebec will unite their efforts and, above all, share their knowledge.

Susan McPeak, Co-Founder

Our goal is to create partnerships with the CISSS and CIUSSS in each region to extend the Group’s reach across the entire Province of Quebec.

Ultimately, we aim to gather 20 member hospitals within our consortium. This expansion will enhance access to clinical studies for patients, particularly those living outside major urban centers.

The rollout of the Programme Accès-recherche Dr André-Robidoux is underway and follows a structured process overseen by the scientific committee and the Group’s board of directors.

How to join :

Hospital centers or researchers wishing to join the Group can do so by emailing


by directly contacting one of the researchers on our scientific committee.