Les COPINES, an initiative of patient-partner committee

In close collaboration with the CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS, our Group created a patient-partner committee in clinical research on breast cancer in 2021 to raise awareness about clinical research as a treatment option and optimize the participation rate to trials.

Called les COPINES (COmité de Patientes partenaires en recherche clInique sur le caNcEr du Sein), this committee is a real partnership between patients who have benefited from clinical research and researchers. The approach aims to enrich the research proposed by combining scientific expertise with the experiential expertise of patients.

The mission of les COPINES: Put the experience and expertise of life with breast cancer to the advancement of clinical research on this disease.

Their vision: To be a driving force in the understanding, accessibility and contribution to clinical research in breast cancer

Their priorities:

  • Promote the demystification of clinical research,
  • Promote clinical research as a treatment option,
  • Promote the establishment, outreach and participation in patient-partner committees in clinical research in breast cancer in Quebec.

To better understand the importance of patient partnership in clinical research, we invite you to watch the video below (available in French only).

This is a warm exchange between Catherine Wilhelmy, a former patient who became collaborator of Les COPINES and her physician-researcher, Dr. Michel Pavic, oncologist and head of department at the CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS, as well as member of the Group’s Scientific Committee. You will discover the importance of involvement of patient partners who act as a driving force to bring about better understanding and better adherence to research.

To know more :

Would you like to join Les COPINES and contribute to their mission? Do you have questions about how the committee works?

Visit and join Les COPINES Facebook Group.